A new year is now upon us and that means the 2025 HamCation in Orlando, Florida (Feb. 7- 9) is just around the corner.
Alongwith a myriad of popular amateur radio vendors and enormous tailgate area toperuse through, AMSAT will also be on hand and we could sure use your help. Iflast year's 25,321 attendees are any indication of what's ahead, we wouldgreatly appreciate you sharing at least 2 to 4 hours of your time at the AMSATbooth sometime during the three-day event, introducing fellow hams to whatamateur satellites are all about, helping those who maybe having problemsgetting on the air and best of all, connecting face to face with hams you'vetalked to on the satellites.
So if youwould like to join us at the AMSAT booth or have any questions about helpingout, please contact David Jordan, AA4KN at [email protected]..
BTW, theaverage temp. for Orlando in February is usually a higharound 75 deg. and low around 54 deg.
... hard to beat that!!
For moredetails on Hamcation, just Google HamCation 2025.
AMSATAmbassador in Central Florida