At 08:06 AM 6/1/2010, Alan P. Biddle wrote:
My suggestion is to use full tuning until you find that the other operator isn't. Then adapt, usually by turning off the updating for the lower frequency. It isn't worth getting doctrinaire about it. However, by using the One True Rule as the default, you set a good example and encourage the movement of other operators in this direction. As you will find, it is truly painful to do it the manual way after getting used to automagic tuning. As we move above 70 cms, full tuning truly becomes necessary.
I agree with this suggestion. I'm setting up for full Doppler tuning myself on 2m and 70cm. Got the radio (FT-736R) and the interface cables in, but have to install some antennas and the PC for Doppler control. Looking forward to giving the SSB birds a try without having to fiddle with the VFO all the time (I have worked the Fujis in the past with manual tuning, it can be a pain LOL).
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL http://vkradio.com