28 Sep
28 Sep
8:22 a.m.
Hello all!
Two questions on telemetry..
1. I was considering dedicating a 70 cm "eggbeater" with a preamp as a good, omni-directional antenna. So far though, it doesn't seem to pick up below 12 degree elevations. Currently the preamp is in the shack (I know, at the antenna) and my coax is not optimum. If I use heliax, put the preamp at the antenna, is this feasible or should I plan on a steerable beam?
2. I'm having a dickens of a time figuring out what the telemetry frequencies are. I've looked at DK3WN's site which has the decoding software but I seem to be having issues finding frequencies, am I looking in the wrong places?
Thanks for your time!
73 de Tim, K4SHF FM04