----- Original Message ----- From: "andy thomas" [email protected] To: "amsat" [email protected] Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:04 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: using a microsat as a potential high altitudeVHFreflector
I still think that a large unfolded and/or (partially?) inflatable
structure of reflective material structured as resonant reflectors could be an interesting passive reflector of ham frequencies if it was placed on the Moon. It would be easier than a powered active repeater.
I know about moonbounce obviously and the laser system left behind by
73 de andy G0SFJ
Hi Andy, G0SFJ
I have many doubts about your idea because the surface of the moon as seen as a radar target is large as 9.45 x 10^12 square meters and is isotropically backscatterig only the 7% of the power of radio waves incident over it for the frequencies ranging from 144 to 1296 MHz
Actually EME is made under the above conditions like the moon was large only 9.45 x 10^12 x 0.07 = 6.615 x 10^11 square meters but made with a material totally reflecting isotropically the 100 % of power incident over it.
If now we assume that hypothetically you can put over the moon a passive inflatable structure of reflective material with 100 % of reflectibility then to made EME with the same actual moon-bounce results the above inflatable surface would be made large as 6.615 x 10^11 square meters i.e. it's impossible.
If such thing would be possible the diameter of the above inflatable structure if placed at the distance earth-moon it would be seen in the sky sottending an angle of 0.14 degrees but actually the moon is sottending 0.5 degrees so that imagine how big would be the above inflatable reflector on the moon and figure out if it would be easier to made instead to use a powered active repeater.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico