At 04:11 PM 5/27/2007, w3vvp wrote:
What has happened to amateur radio? A week ago I put out a request for help for my 736R which I use for satellite work. As of this date I have received zilch,0,nothing in reply. Are there no more ham repair people out there or is everybody an appliance operator???? George W3VVP
Good question, George. I would help if I had a 736R or new about it in any detail. Hopefully you will stir the "ether" and get a helper. Not sure on Amsat-bb whether one will find the needed experts. If you went over to the mw or eme reflectors you would fair better, I'm thinking.
73, Ed - KL7UW ====================================== BP40IQ 50-MHz - 10-GHz 144-EME: FT-847, mgf-1801, 4x-xpol-20, 185w DUBUS Magazine USA Rep [email protected] ======================================