18 Jan
18 Jan
6:09 p.m.
Im working on my WAS and VUCC awards and am currently half way done with WAS Basic via LOTW, a little more than half way if I combine with QSL cards but still have a long ways to go for WAS Satellite and VUCC. I'm usually on any pass with a max elevation of 50+ degrees however the following passes are ideal to help me get Idaho, North Dakota, Nevada, Utah and Washington.
AO-27 January 19th 2100-2110 UTC January 22nd 2114-2124 UTC January 26th 2100-2110 UTC
SO-50 January 27th 0037-0046 UTC
Obviously the pass times of the later dates may vary but if any of you can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA