I am happy with the moxon - uhf pretty small and wiring can be challenging with the phasing and matching lines. My uhf has a mast mount preamp, vhf just 30 ft coax and rtl-sdr at Max gain. Could be better but all I want to invest at first. QFH are highly recommended and you can see then on old videos of the lunar lander :). Satnogs stations 142 and 216.
On Sat, May 4, 2019, 9:58 AM Dave . via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
I bought a set of egg beaters recently and they seem ok for anything higher than 20 degrees. I'm looking to build a moxon variation http://www.oocities.org/w9bci/VHFUHFSatelite.pdf at some point when I have some free time.
Dave N2OA
On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 4:19 PM Devin L. Ganger via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Greetings, programs!
I'm looking to work with my son (who will be studying to get his Technician license later this month) on building a UHF/VHF pair of eggbeater antennas. I've found a few papers online, but does anyone have
good reference to a detailed design?
Does the ARRL Antenna book latest edition have any significant coverage
eggbeaters at all? I have an older version that has nothing.
Also, most of the designs I see are for a single band. If you're
a pair for satellite operations, do you simply attach them through a duplexer? I have a Diamond MX-72N that I picked up a while ago for using with dual Baofengs, but it's been sitting in my drawer since I picked up
TH-D72A. It has a 1.6~150MHz lead and a 350~460MHz lead.
Thanks in advance for any pointers you might have.
-- Devin L. Ganger (WA7DLG) email: [email protected]mailto:[email protected] web: Devin on Earthhttp://www.devinonearth.com/ cell: +1 425.239.2575
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