I'm trying to put together some data to illustrate how many grids around North America (including Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean) that have been active on the satellites in 2015. I asked for this information on Twitter earlier today, and I'll make the same request here. If you have operated from grids away from home, please send me the list of grids you have worked from. Please include your home grid in the list. I would like to make a map of grids that were available via satellite during 2015, and possibly scribble an article for the AMSAT Journal as well.
Besides my own activity in 2015, I have lists from the following stations:
I will generate a map based on all submissions I receive, and probably some other maps based on the lists I receive from other stations. Even if your list is nothing more than one other grid besides your home grid, every submission is appreciated.
I am hoping to have this information by 15 January 2016, so I can then make the maps and write that article about which grids have been on the air during 2015 before getting too far into 2016.
Thanks in advance, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK