Many thanks for the replies re RG316 and also for the several links showing coax comparison charts. Very helpful. I'm old school and familiar with RG58 and RG8, and started to get confused when they came out with 9913. With all the new stuff, I'm clueless, HI.
I'm using a 6 Ft length of RG316 with an SMA connector at one end for my handheld, and a PL259 type on the other end for the Elk. So no adapters, which I like. That gives me plenty of length for waving around the Elk during a pass. So far, I don't see any obvious degradation of signals compared to my RG58 cable with adapters, although I have no way of measuring. Bottom line...if I can work 'em, I'll be happy. The small diameter cable will be great for traveling. I'll keep field testing until we leave next week.
I'll be QRV from County Cork, Ireland from October 16 through October 26. Most of the time will be in Grid IO52, although we may also travel to IO42 and IO51 (if the family ever lets us out of the pub). I've made a number of transatlantic contacts to the UK and Portugal via AO-51 using my FT-60R at 5 Watts and an Arrow antenna from my previous QTH in New Jersey (FN20)standing on my back deck. I was blown away by the experience. Ireland is closer than both UK and Portugal so I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to make a few Q's back home. So, keep an ear open for me when the mutual window is open. The call will be EI/W4MPS.
73 Marc, W4MPS Clayton, North Carolina