The problems have since cleared up on their own. I wasn’t the only getting the errors.
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On Friday, March 19, 2021, 9:53 AM, crohtun via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
As of this morning, multiple users are getting download fail messages when trying to update Keps in SatPC32. It’s occurring on both nasa.bare and nasa.all. Also, I noticed last night, that my tracker said there were no Keps for the ISS when I tried to load them from Amsat. Had to get them from Celestrack instead. Anyone know what’s going on with the Kep files? de KN2K
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On Thursday, March 18, 2021, 5:02 AM, Erich Eichmann [email protected] wrote:
Hi, During the last days some users reported that SatPC32 caused the error message "Zugriffsverletztung bei Adresse..." or "access violation at address...". after they updated their Keps file. The program could no longer be closed normally but only using the Windows Task Manager. Yersteday John, AA2HJ, reported that he also got the error. He had completlely filled his "Selected" lsit with the possible number of satellites (24). The error occured when he tried to update nasabare.txt via the "Download Keps" function.
He then found out that nasabare.txt contained the NO-84 data set twice. Also, the file had had not been updated for 6 days. As I have seen in the meantime, the same applies to nasa.all. I then did the same for myself and actually received the error message "access violation". I had to close the program with the Task Manager. After a few restarts, the program did no longer start and the error message appeared "Error while loading Standard.SAT "
I was able to fix the error by replacing the file "Standard.SAT" in the main data folder by the file Standard.SAT from the sub folder CfgII, which only contained approx. 12 satellites like upon installation.
The error seems to be due to the faulty file nasabare.txt, when the "Selected" list is full and contains the satellite NO-84. Without this satellite, the error did not occur for me, even if the list was full. Unfortunately, I was only able earlicer yesterday to to recommend to re-install the program to a user who had not backed up his settings with DataBackup
I hope AMSAT will soon fix the Kepsfiles. Until then one should not add NO-84 to the selected list.
To replace the file Standard.SAT in the main folder by the same file from sub folders CfgII, CfgIII or CfgIV you have to make hidden files and folders visible (under Windows 10 start the File Manager, then: View > Options > Folder Options > View). The path to the data folder will be: C:\User\Username\AppData\Roaming\SatPC32. If you have a flawlessly working configuration you should save it with DataBackup (SatPC32 menu "Programs"). Then you can easily restore it if errors occure later.
73s, Erich, DK1TB
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