Thanks for clarifying that.
My B(2... was my attempt to reference the 2 digit QSO number of the other station. So my QSO QSL reply to another stations QSO number 13 would look like this:
Is there a problem with timing or timeout of the satellite receiving the string of DTMF if I were to try to hand enter the B13 and send, then kick over to my DTMF memory to send the stored QSL reply for the rest of the string 406327802277# ?
73 N3CRT Charles Reiche
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 5:26 PM Robert Bruninga [email protected] wrote:
- No spaces in the DTMF string.
And yes, your keycode is required. Im not sure what the "B(2" typo is in your email?
Bob On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 3:20 PM Charles Reiche [email protected] wrote:
So using the DTMF callsign encoder I send *1320 632780 2277 # *(Grid FN20) (Call N3CRT) (decimal key code)#
I get a QSO number via the digitalker reply. I hear someone else get a digitalker reply QSO number and I want to QSL
to that station.
So I send B(2 digit QSO number of the other station) then 40 (QSL)
632780 (my call) 1320 (my grid) or are the last 4 supposed to be my decimal key code? 2277?
I'm only hung up on this last part before giving it a go. "Then the
remaining CCCCCCxxxx finish off the transmission with the full encoded callsign as in the grid format.."
is the xxxx my decimal key code, or my grid? I am guessing that the
CCCCCC call sign wont make sense to the decoder without the decimal key code.
73 N3CRT Charles Reiche
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 12:21 PM Robert Bruninga [email protected]
PSAT2 VHF awoke from an 8 Mo slumber on 26 Apr 2021. We have no idea
why. Its telemetry looks fine. Volts between 6.2 and 7.0 volts (5 NiCds). Exterior temps between -18 and +22 C.
See http://aprs.org/psat2.html
PSAT2 will NOT be in APRS mode but a brand new experimental mode for DTMF uplink and VOICE downlink. So you preload your grid and callsign into a 16 digit DTMF memory in your radio and when the satellite hears this it will assign a QSO number and QSL the grid by voice and then
also generate an APRS packet for collection by APRS operators. There is even a way to send back a DTMF QSL so you can make it a 2-way DTMF. contact.
Successful DTMF grids and messages will appear on a special URL on the
PSAT2 page (above). To QSL, you key in that stations 2 digit QSL number and then dump your pre-loaded QSL DTMF message..
Since this is the first time this transponder is on the air and because
a DTMF uplink takes maybe 4 seconds, we dont want the uplink
saturated by a bunch of newbeees initially until we see if it actually works. So read the docs and be sure you know what you are doing.
There is a user operating manual available on the PSAT2 web page: http://aprs.org/psat2.html
On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 3:20 AM Clary, James T (Jim) via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
A busy work day on board gave me the chance to put only one grid
(CK27) on the air today, but one grid is better than none. Another time change occurs for us tonight; we'll be at GMT-9 for a couple days, and that gets in the way of making the AO-91 pass at 28/1952Z. In the very off chance that I can make that one, we should be in CK08 at the time. Later on, I'll try to make passes on CAS-4A/B, AO-7/CW, XW-2F, and RS-44/CW in the 29/0130-0333Z time frame; we should be in BK98 then. A little later, we'll cross into BK88 hopefully in time for the 29/0506Z pass. 73/Jim, ND9M
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