Time in UTC Ele. Results summary: ----------------------------------------------------- 00:43:39-00:48:37 4° very low, DK3WN detected one packet from RAFT 00:14:00-00:21:22 28° PA3GUO digipeated via RAFT 01:45:52-01:53:34 83° PA3GUO had poor reception; could not test C RAFT DK3WN & PE1ITR had good reception 03:18:00-03:25:40 67° report will follow 04:50:13-04:57:03 14° report will follow
Detailed report: RAFT is 1..2 minutes ahead of current keps, which makes automated directing of antennes during high elevation passes very difficult.
Voltage is climbed from ~7.7V to 8.1V, during the 01:49UTC in the dark pass, not sure why at the end it went all the way up to 8.1V though. 20070527014955 : RAFT BEACON,SGATE,qAO,PE1ITR: T#413,081,116,036,080,067,00000000,999 20070527014624 : RAFT]BEACON,SGATE,qAo,DK3WN-1: T#392,077,017,034,018,071,10000000,999
Digipeating worked fine during the 00:14UTC pass: 20070527001406 : PA3GUO-8]APRS,RAFT*,qAo,DK3WN-1:BTEXT =5123.39N/00526.23E
DK3WN and PE1ITR Igated all traffic, see: http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/pcsat.cgi for all data
Henk, PA3GUO