Eventually I give up on programming it so it automatically does the split, so I program in 145.99/67hz tone on one channel, and then 437.805-437.790 (in 5khz steps) in the other channels. Once I got it all programmed enough so it will work, the ISS is at the peak, and I was literally recieving it at full strength, where all of the bars in my HT are lit up.
I am trying to figure out the best method to get thru the repeater. From the response above I am trying to decide if the uplink stays stable and the downlink is tuneable, or is it best to tune both to keep on frequency. If tuning for both is required which way is it normal or reverse. I have a IC970 that I am using and can put it either way ....
At one point tonite I could hear my transmit get keyed but soon lost it.......not sure if it was the pile up or my tuning...
Some tips would be nice ...
Bill Booth VE3NXK Sundridge ON, Canada 79.23.37 W x 45.46.18 N FN05ns
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