Hi John and AMSAT Friends,
I am thrilled to hear you are using InstantTune for doppler control it is still my favorite program :) However,...
I would just like to point out that InstantTune + InstantTrack provides full Doppler tuning for BOTH the up and down links even with mic-button radios. Just connect radio 1 to parallel port 1 and radio 2 to parallel port 2.
..very interesting that dr Tony !!!
Well, probably you remember me, I had several questions about ITUNE in order to do it workable with my vintage V-U, but finally worked just perfect.
After your Email I wonder about "ITUNE.cfg", as I can't see any line about LPT's ports, just for COM-ports (=serial ports).
Are you using LPTs? If yes, how's that?
Are you changing the values of COMs with new for LPTs ? ( ie LPT1 #378 IRQ=7 & LPT2 #278 IRQ=xx ???)
I would like to have your "ITUNE.cfg" for example !
73, Mak SV1BSX
If anyone needs help getting this working, please email me.
73, Tony AA2TX
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