Hello to all, DE JI1IZR/Masahiro.
I share with you the telemetry of HADES-D that I decoded during 01:11-01:19UTC (10:11-10:19JST) on October 30th.
I use FT-847 set as USB mode, frequency controlled with Gpredict + hamlib, adjusted the standard receiver frequency of Gpredict as 436.664200MHz, and 15 elements Yagi-Uda antenna with hand-controlled G-5500 rotator,
Soundmomdem[FSK URESAT-1 50bd] run on Ubuntu with wineHQ, set the threshold frequency as as 1658Hz.
The max elevation of this pass was 11 degree, but the donwlink was strong enough to decode.
********************************************** * * * GENESIS-U (URESAT) Byte Packet Decoder * * AMSAT-EA - Free distribution * * * * v1.1b Last compilation : Jul 31 2023 * * * **********************************************
********************************************* * * * HADES-D satellite Byte Packet Decoder * * AMSAT-EA - Free distribution * * * * v1.21 Last compilation : Dec 10 2023 * * * ********************************************* Searching KISS TNC ... KISS TNC Connected
28 4C 49 47 48 FF 3D 3E 44 3E 48 20241030-10:11:35 : packet type 2 (tmp)
*** Temp packet received on local time 20241030-10:11:35 *** tpa : -2.0 degC temperature in SPA.I2C tpb : -3.5 degC temperature in SPB.I2C tpc : -4.5 degC temperature in SPC.I2C tpd : -4.0 degC temperature in SPD.I2C teps : -9.5 degC temperature in EPS.I2C ttx : -9.0 degC temperature in TX.I2C ttx2 : -6.0 degC temperature in TX.NTC trx : -9.0 degC temperature in RX.NTC tcpu : -4.0 degC temperature in CPU.ADC
18 09 07 61 11 00 00 BB B6 6B 66 F8 B3 B3 3F 0F F6 01 FD 00 10 60 00 00 20241030-10:13:37 : packet type 1 (pwr)
*** Power packet received on local time 20241030-10:13:37 *** spa : 18 mW spb : 14 mW spc : 194 mW spd : 34 mW
vbus1 : 4092 mV bus voltage read in CPU.ADC vbus2 : 4064 mV bus voltage read in EPS.I2C vbus3 : 4076 mV bus voltage read in CPU.I2C
vbat1 : 4085 mV bat voltage read in EPS.ADC vbat2 : 4056 mV bat voltage read in EPS.I2C
vbus1-vbat1 : 7 mV vbus3-vbus2 : 12 mV
vcpu : 2876 mV
icpu : 17 mA @DCDCinput icpu : 24 mA @DCDCoutput (estimation) ipl : 0 mA ibat : -3 mA (Current flowing into the battery)
pwrdul1 : 1536 pwrdul4 : 0
28 54 51 4E 51 FF 41 45 4A 43 4C 20241030-10:14:35 : packet type 2 (tmp)
*** Temp packet received on local time 20241030-10:14:35 *** tpa : +2.0 degC temperature in SPA.I2C tpb : +0.5 degC temperature in SPB.I2C tpc : -1.0 degC temperature in SPC.I2C tpd : +0.5 degC temperature in SPD.I2C teps : -7.5 degC temperature in EPS.I2C ttx : -5.5 degC temperature in TX.I2C ttx2 : -3.0 degC temperature in TX.NTC trx : -6.5 degC temperature in RX.NTC tcpu : -2.0 degC temperature in CPU.ADC
********************************** Masahiro Sanada
JI1IZR PM95pi Hiratsuka-city Kanagawa,Japan
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
blog in English: https://ji1izr.cocolog-nifty.com/ blog in Japanese: https://ji1izr.air-nifty.com/ **********************************