Hi All,
The Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) would like to announce the delivery of Nanosatellite Launch Service 6 (NLS-6) cluster payload to Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota (SDSC-SHAR), Andhra Pradesh, India, for launch on board PSLV-C15. PSLV-C15 will be launching from the First Launch Pad at SDSC-SHAR into 637 km sun-synchronous orbit with 10:30 Local-Time of Descending Node. NLS-6 shares this launch with Cartosat-2B primary, Alsat-2A co-primary, and STUDSAT auxiliary payload.
NLS-6 is the 6th launch by SFL. The NLS-6 cluster comprises of two nanosatellite: AISSat-1 and TIsat-1.
NLS-6 launch updates are being posted to http://www.utias-sfl.net/NLS-6/
About AISSat-1 ------------------------------ AISSat-1 is built by SFL for the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). It is intended to demonstrate a new maritime AIS receiver that has been developed by FFI. The AIS receiver will be used to monitor ship traffic in Norwegian waters. The design of AISSat-1 is based on SFL Generic Nanosatellite Bus (GNB).
The spacecraft has a main structure measuring 20 cm by 20 cm by 20 cm and it is stabilized in three-axes using reaction wheels. It has a fixed 46 cm long VHF payload monopole antenna for the AIS receiver and four UHF uplink monopole antennas for the command receiver. The downlink in the S-Band. AISSat-1 has an overall dimension of 80 cm by 45 cm by 37 cm and an overall mass of 6.5 kg. AISSat-1 will be secured to the launch vehicle using the XPOD GNB separation system.
AISSat-1 is not an amateur satellite and, as such, has coordinated appropriate frequencies. Its ground segment is located at Svalbard and its control centre is at FFI, near Oslo, Norway.
More information on the spacecraft can be found at http://www.utias-sfl.net/nanosatellites/AISSat-1/ and http://www.spacecentre.no/?module=Articles;action=Article.publicShow;ID=5138...
About TIsat-1 ------------------------------ TIsat-1 is a 1 kg CubeSat of 10 cm by 10 cm by 10 cm and is built by students and staff at University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). The primary mission objective is to involve students in systems engineering, development and test with a very challenging project and to provide students and staff at SUPSI with space mission knowledge. TIsat-1 will monitor the durability of material probes exposed to space environment, will test a micro electromechanical device and will validate the redundant, fault tolerant hardware and firmware design of the bus.
Two monopole antennas (VHF and UHF) will be deployed after separation. Housekeeping and payload data will be communicated to the ground as orbital data profiles. TIsat-1 will be secured to the launch vehicle using the XPOD Single separation system.
TIsat-1 communicates over amateur radio frequencies, as coordinated through the IARU, and they have been working with radio amateurs in Switzerland during the spacecraft's development. They have a Morse Code and data beacons. More information can be found at http://www.spacelab.dti.supsi.ch/tiSat1.html
Future Launches by SFL ------------------------------ SFL has signed its 7th launch contract with ANTRIX for NLS-7 in late 2010/early 2011. NLS-7 will launch the twin-satellite CanX-4 and CanX-5 formation flying mission.
SFL will be signing its 8th launch contract for NLS-8 momentarily, for the launch of two astronomy nanosatellites: BRITE-Austria (CanX-3A) and UniBRITE (CanX-3B). NLS-8 will also launch one partner spacecraft.
In addition, SFL is under discussion for NLS-9, NLS-10, and NLS-11 launches in 2011/2012 time frame, and would like to extend an invitation to spacecraft developers world-wide to join our launches.
For further information, please contact: Freddy M. Pranajaya Manager, Advanced Systems Group UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory 4925 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M3H 5T6 +1-416-667-7890 Voice +1-416-667-7799 Fax [email protected] http://www.utias-sfl.net/
73, -Daniel, VA3KKZ