Recorded an AO-73 telemetry pass (RF recording) this morning with HDSDR. Later fed it from HDSDR into the sound card and then to the FCD Dashboard (see pic). It appears the signal is making it to the Dashboard but nothing seems to happen. I tired (Auto Tune) on/off, and narrowing the bandwidth of the HDSDR filter to better match the bw of the signal but still nothing. It does seem to lock on to the (Detected Frequency 2262 Hz) but that's about all it does. The Dashboard is brilliant and I would like to get it working.
Due to deed restrictions no outside antennas are allowed so the signal is not that strong here (about 5dB above the noise) and it might never work from here. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Any suggestions that we move to a new neighborhood that allows outside antennas will be forwarded to my wife :-)
Tnx W9KE Tom Doyle