On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 4:21 PM, Kelly Keeton [email protected] wrote:
Just like some have no desire for VHF or higher. A major majority of hams have no gig or higher. If we limit ourselves to what we assume others want we limit progress and learning and stuff, that's not good.
Some are convinced that "real ham radio" ended with Novice Enhancement, or removal of code from the Technician license in '91 or the withdrawal of Elements 1B and 1C in 2000 or ... or ... Whatever.
I know the test sessions I lead are busy as was the Tech/General class our club ran this past spring and I also know that some of the newbies aren't often heard On The Ultra Highs because they are too busy on HF (listen for some of them on our local 10m net, Wednesdays at 2000 CT, on 28445 kHz).
Getting above 1 GHz isn't easy. Actually, 900 isn't that easy, either. In fact, I'm looking for a clean IC910H with the L-band module so I can do just as you suggest. :-)