On Saturday morning, 7 May 2011, I will be at the Cochise Amateur Radio Association's annual Larry Warren Hamfest in Sierra Vista, Arizona. This is a half-day event, and more information is available at:
I will have an AMSAT table at this hamfest. WD9EWK will be on satellite passes throughout the morning for demonstrations, transmitting from grid DM41vm.
After the hamfest, I am thinking of making a drive toward either the DM51/DM52 grid boundary northeast of the hamfest site or possibly the Arizona/New Mexico state line along the I-10 freeway for some passes in the afternoon into the early evening before driving home. I was just at the DM52/DM53 boundary in late March, so I probably won't make another trip up there - unless I decide to take the really long way home from southeastern Arizona. I will have my TH-D72A transmitting my location via APRS as WD9EWK-9 when I drive to Sierra Vista on Friday evening, as well as anywhere I go on Saturday. That should be visible at (among other places):
As always, I will be happy to send QSL cards to anyone who works WD9EWK on Saturday - at the hamfest, or anywhere I happen to stop after the hamfest. Just e-mail me the QSO details, and I will send a card if you're in the log. No need to first send me a card or SASE. I will also upload my log to Logbook of the World, for those using that system to gain contacts and grids.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/