----- Original Message ----- From: "WA7HYD" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 7:03 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Uni Trac
Anyone know if Uni Trac is still in business. e-mail is bouncing back.
Seems all of the tracker and interface manufacturers have folded up and disappeared. Newcomers to the satellite tracking segment are finding things a little rough going.
========= de WA7HYD Bob in WA
The FOD-Track board is available from FAR Circuits for a very reasonable price, and can be built for about $20 in parts. The LVB tracker is available from Howard, G6LVB, who is a regular on here, and there's W0LMD's Sat Tracker Mini, the ARRL's Tracker 688 board (limited numbers available), SAEBER-Track, LabJack, WB4APR's Practical Rotor System, and probably others.
Seems like a pretty good assortment to me......... (I've built the FOD-Track and ARRL boards, myself)
George, KA3HSW