
Maybe you had the volume up on the bottom knob <TX> and the volume down on the top knob <RX>?  With monitor on you would have heard yourself through the radio, not the satellite.

If working SO-50, turn on the waterfall. You will see the signal from the sat and be able to tune to follow doppler if you click on the main soft button next to the top RX frequency and spin the VFO dial. You would also be able to SEE other stations on the pass even if you can't hear them.

Make sure you also have the radio in satellite mode by going into the menu and click satellite.

You might know all of this already, but just spitballing ideas for you. :)

-Ant NU1U

On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 8:38 PM <> wrote:
Dear Folks:

I tried to work the SO-50 pass today, and indeed, I could hear myself on the downlink for quite a while, but couldn't hear anything else.  I have already received 3 emails from different people who said I was heard by them and many people were calling me without getting a response.  I apologize since I'll bet I screwed up that pass for a bunch of people.

I'm not sure what happened.  I am using a new IC 9700 (after 27 years with an FT-736R) and there certainly is a learning curve on the 9700).  However, I've already worked people on SO-50 with the new rig so I'm not sure what happened on that pass, especially since I could hear myself.

Again, my apologies.

73 de Bernie, KF0QS


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