This is a call for speakers for the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium 2018 which, will be held this year on 13-14 October, in conjunction with the RSGB Convention at Kents Hill Park Conference Centre, Milton Keynes, MK7 6BZ, United Kingdom .
AMSAT-UK invites speakers, to cover topics about Amateur satellites, CubeSats, Nanosats, space and associated activities, for this event.
They are also invited to submit papers for subsequent publishing on the AMSAT-UK web site or in Oscar News.
We appreciate that it is not always possible to give a firm indication of attendance at this stage but expressions of interest would be appreciated.
Submissions should be sent via e-mail to: [email protected]
AMSAT-UK also invite anyone with requests for Program Topics to submit them as soon as possible to G4DPZ. Invitations for any papers on specific subjects will be included in the future call. Likewise if anyone knows of a good speaker, please send contact and other information to G4DPZ.
Dave, G4DPZ On behalf of the AMSAT-UK Committee