Hello all,
In AO-27's today pass I was working portable at my workplace's front yard (also in EL83) with my homebrew arrow antena, I was at street level so when the satellite went below 10 degrees I loss the signal due the buildings. I missed the last 3 minutes, at the end I could hear barely KB1RVT calling me but signal was too low, sorry... I tried to answer but I heard nothing. Hope contact with you in some other time, I will probably work again this satellite this thursday and saturday.
I could not record the audio here and in John's recording website I found only the last 4 minutes. I have right now QSO information from ND9M, N8RO and CO6CBF, at memory is hard to remember all stations I worked, so please if we did a full two-ways QSO just send me an e-mail. Also if any one has a full pass audio recording I will appreciate if is posible to send it to me via e-mail (less than 1MB)
Regards and thank you very much for todays great QSOs.
Raydel, CM2ESP, EL83sc Este mensaje ha sido enviado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que ofrece la Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba a sus miembros para respaldar el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la organizacion y su politica informativa. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas.