On 26 Feb 2008 at 12:21, Clint Bradford wrote:
.. the accepted term is "CQ" not "listening"...
Accepted by whom?
I have never heard that using a Morse Code code on a voice system was accepted by anyone of importance.
I haven't seen any reason here yet to change the presentation I've been giving for years now...described on the amateur radio pages at...
Clint Bradford
When you are alone on nightly pass you can use what you like but on crowded pass when you hear folks calling CQQQQQ VERYYYY SLOWYYYYY or blowing in their mike sending carrier to locate their downlink it is advisable to use your head and logic when calling CQ. Just use something short and phonetics are often useful but use the standard international phonetic code. About 65% of the call are not decoded right the first time as many use all kind of funny phonetics eg: XXXOTM is XXX OLD TEXAS MAN instead of Oscar Tango Mike.
I don't know why this HF bad habit is still present on the satellites
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE