Wow - thanks for the great response everyone!
It is good to know the D700 is not discontinued - I must have got the wrong end of the stick on that one. I am based in Ireland, so Paul, I might give you a shout about that one you have available.
It's really inspiring to read (and hear) about your QSO with Bill McArthur on ISS! That was one of my big motivations to get licensed and start up the hobby. I am still learning a lot, but what I like about amatuer radio is how it brings all the physics and elecronics I studies in university in to a real world application.
Robert - I don't understand everything about packet or APRS yet, but your websites have been a great resource to learn about them, and PCSAT-1 Thank you.
On 1/21/07, Robert Bruninga [email protected] wrote:
I am a beginner in packet radio, and am looking for recommendations for a good 2m radio with built in TNC. I have heard good things about the kenwood TM-D700 dual bander.
An excellent choice. Too many people think of the D700 as just an APRS radio for just vehicle tracking, but they are overlooking the 20+ years of APRS NOT as a vehicle tracking system, but a local, tactical, real-time data channel for exchange of data about *everything* that is going on in ham radio surrounding the operator (without the burden of the old connected-packet) system of the 1980's and 90's.
We just used the control head of a D700 on a clipboard this weekend to collect event scores from hams with the APRS D7 HT's as score-entry devices at boy scout checkpoints at a camporee. It worked beautifully and seamlessly with the event and even the non-APRS inclined operators at net control welcomed the ability to read incoming scores at their leisure on the clipboard rather than under the stress of 20 voice operators calling in their scores by voice. See the web page: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/aprsevent.html
Other things that show up on the front panel of the D700 radio:
- Other mobiles location, distance direction and speed
- Local APRS WX station data, temps, wind, rain, etc
- FREQUENCY of the locally recommended travelers voice repeater
- FREQUNECY or node number of nearby ECHOlink or ILRP nodes
- OBJECTS for Hamfests, Nets in progress, or Meetings in
progress 6) OBJECTS showing any traffic accidents or slow downs 7) Traffic speeeds at known chokepoints 8) Frequency and direction of any satellites in view 9) etc.
And being dual band, and with TNC for 1200 and 9600 baud, it can receive data from amateur satellites directly, with no PC or any other display or accessory. During a good PCSAT-1 overhead pass, I typically could see as many as a dozen other stations making contacts. (though PCSAT-1 has recently gone back in hybernation for months)...
In otherwords, The D700 (and D7 HT's) front panel is supposed to be your window on the ham world around you. It can display what I call over 40 "tiny-web-pages" of information of local value to the traveler when he enters an area, or whatever a local user might need to know at any time anywhwere.
For info on this local display initiative, see: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/localinfo.html
So many things we could do. So little time... Bob, Wb4APR