Some of you may have been following my attempts to continue to use a vacation house P4 that had been running XP (still is but its painful to watch and wait). I've been trying to familiarize myself with Linux using Ubunbtu. I got FlDigi to work fine and WSJTX as well as a good log program called CQrlog.
I got stumped though with my satellite operation. I tried with helpd to get GPredict running but it (or Hamlib) was still buggy on the FT947 even with the latest version.
I then, with help, installed Wine and dowloaded my favorite program - SatPC32. To my surprise it works....almost. I don't seem to have Frequency adjustment at the radio by using the CAT controls in the software. I also can't change the mode to CW through the software. Is anyone using SatPC32 on a Linux platform? If so I'd like to connect tap your brain.
73 and hope to see you on the birds from my portable location at FN21
Rick W2JAZ