I am a child of the 80s, was born in 81 and I use to watch all of the launches I could on TV. I was in south Florida and I remember staring up at the sky hoping to catch any glimpse of a launch. Mom worked days and nights and we didn't travel much at all, so it was near impossible for us to drive up and watch a launch. Back then, you use to be able to send a snail-mail letter to nasa and request the STS-* launch photos (and others). I did this for everyone that I could and started requesting some of the older ones to fill up my notebook. This was a huge deal for me back then and it took a lot of work and time to do, it cost me all of my allowance at the time because of all the envelopes and stamps. Once you received the photos, you could send them back to different addresses to request a signature of a given astronaut in the picture. This was a lot more work, you had to figure out which place to send the photo to for a given astronaut, hope they were there to sign it, wait... wait...... wait... and one day voila, a manila envelope would appear in the mail. I remember, there was nothing more exciting than getting a NASA envelope in the mail, you have no clue, this was the ultimate excitement! We all use to gather around and see who it was from, I use to idolize these astronauts...
And then one day, I received a letter from John Glenn, indicating that he would not sign a photo unless I sent him a check. I will Never forget this day. I showed this to my family and they could not believe it. I think my mom even called or wrote a letter to NASA and complained about it but I may be wrong (going to call and ask her about it tonight). Of the dozens of astronaut clips and photos that I have, he was the only astronaut that demanded a check for his autograph and it left a really bad scar on me. Maybe it's silly but I really felt betrayed as a kid.
Oh well, Bygons.
On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 4:54 PM, Alan [email protected] wrote:
John Glenn passed away today at 95.
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