On 24 May 2007 at 10:39, DeYoung James wrote:
I was listening to 2.4012-GHz +/- doppler FM-mode with my K5GNA/AIDC downconverter at the focus of a Starband .75-m x 1.0-m ellptical dish, I never heard myself (145.88-MHz up) but transmitted only a few times. However, I did hear strong "digital" signals at max. EL. for about 30-s on two passes last evening and fairly strong quieting at times. No voices heard at all, however. I have heard nothing but white noise monitoring 2.4012-GHz when AO-51 is below the horizon so pretty sure it was AO-51 and not terrestrial. Without a regular beacon signal in space it is very hard to be sure if all my equipment is working, however. I do have a Gardiner down-converter 2.4-GHz signal source so pretty sure my LO value is correct to a few KHz.
Anybody willing to admit to Tx'ing digital or anything else last evening on east-coast U.S. passes to confirm that my 2.4-GHz equipment is really working?
73, KG4QWC (FM18)
Just to confirm i was on th2 2 morning pass one nearly overhead and another ay 18 deg max i used to get s9+20 signal when AO-51 was overhead but with deep fade i was testting an old BBQ grill with the same K5GNA downconverter but results where a bit on the low side comparing with a 7.5 foot dish. i make two contact with: WD9EWK and W7JPI
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
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