In case there is any possible ignorance of the operating problems which most users are painfully aware of, here is a recent commentI received regarding my roving. (below) de Bob K8BL ----------------------------------------------- Bob,Appreciate your efforts very much. KC1MEB and I caught you on the linear birds. She wanted to work the FM sat the other day, but I told her you would be on and to just listen because we already worked you. It was complete mayhem. I'm not sure more than 2 complete contacts were made that pass. 73 Ant NU1U ----------------------------------------------- On Monday, March 15, 2021, 09:41:48 PM CDT, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote:
Anyone who operates FM Sats these days knows EXACTLY what needs to be addressed. It's painfully obvious. Bob K8BL On Monday, March 15, 2021, 07:38:30 PM CDT, Clint Bradford [email protected] wrote: Not sure to whom you may be referring, but I am sure ALL AMSAT’ers here are properly educating their audiences … What were the problems? Was it a particular group/demo/club that was causing grief? Clint K6LCS
On Mar 15, 2021, at 4:48 PM, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote: P.P.S. If someone is instructing on the use of FM SATs, I really wish they would spend some time explaining proper operating protocol. The rude chaos is almost to the point of making many passes useless and a waste of roving time and effort.