On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 12:20:54 +0200 "Simon HB9DRV" [email protected] wrote:
There are many reasons for not providing software source, in my case I doubt there are many people with the requisite experience, time or patience to maintain this.
That's a rather arrogant attitude to take.
FWIW and contrary to some opinion HRD has in fact cost me money over the years, not the other way around. Also I just have no, and I mean no time for anything else whatsoever.
Yes, software development costs time and money. Do you think the time and hardware involved in developing lysdr was free? Or, for that matter, any other software I have written.
You use proprietary hardware with proprietary firmware, what's the problem with the software you use on your computer?
I avoid proprietary hardware and proprietary firmware. All of my radios have full service manuals, with complete circuit diagrams. I only use open-source software on my computers, and eschew binary-only drivers.
Again I ask, why are people so reluctant to release the source code for software, but are more than happy to publish the circuit diagrams for devices they design?