I'm trying to set up my station's Doppler shift control. I have an FT-847 and I've been working mostly with Satscape software because I love the graphics display and ease of use. But getting it to accept frequency changes thru the drop-down combo boxes (like changing AO7 from Mode A to Mode B) is next to impossible.
Other software I've d/l'ed includes SatPC32, HRD, Nova for Windows, Orbitron, and Predict for DOS. I like HRD the best but the current build has a major defect in the 847 support. I've been less than successful in getting any of the others to control the radio.
I'd like to hear from users of each package about how to interface with the radio.
And please, no lectures about using Linux instead of Windows. It's not an option.
73 de W0HV, Jim in Raymore, MO
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