Has anyone on the list used a Kenwood TS-2000 to communicate with FalconSat-3?
If so, can you pass along the menu settings that work?
I'm using a borrowed TS-2000 and am still in the learning phase on the menu settings.
The audio chain is working with local packet at 1200bps consisting of a DigiRig, using UZ7HO SoundModem and EasyTerm.
For FalconSat-3 the chain is DigiRig - UZ7HO hs-soundmodem - G0KLA PacSatGround.
Based on my interpretation of the hs_soundmodem waterfall display I'm seeing no data from the TS-2000 when attempting FalconSat-3 communication.
I'm certain I have a menu configuration problem and am looking for suggestions.
FalconSat-3 does not have long to live, predicted to de-orbit in February and is now active for 24 hours or so on the weekends.
Any assistance will be appreciated.
Jim McCullers