We have recently discussed in this forum the reasons why there are no more ham radio satellites in HEO. We have reviewed the various external factors such as a saturated and highly commercial secondary launch market, new government regulations that did not exist 25 years ago, commercial and government interests that might simply prefer that amateur radio and amateur satellites "go away" in order to make life easier for them, and other factors all external to AMSAT.
What we did not consider was the possibility of internal squabbles threatening the organization. I have seen more than one organization fall apart because of such in-fighting. Please be aware that this internal threat can be deadlier than any of the external factors that are preventing us from launching new satellites. I don't know which side is right. Perhaps both sides, perhaps neither side. I just know that it would be a god-awful shame if AMSAT's remarkable 50 year adventure should come to an end because of this.
It is time to sit down like ladies and gentlemen and calmly discuss these various differences without bringing the legal profession into the equation. Perhaps the board candidates could make calm and rational statements to the membership on how they plan to accomplish this, so that the members can make rational choices in the upcoming election. If this cannot be done then we should probably all just sell our radio gear and find some other hobby that we can pursue on our own without the need to form or govern any organization.
73, Dan Schultz N8FGV