Rocky Jones wrote:
John...nice try, thats the old straw man argument
The irony of this statement is rich.
all the "cliches" that you quote aside I'll try one "A person has got to know their limitations"...and any organization that allows a "remove before flight" flag to stay on in flight is not dealing with their limitations. Indeed in the real world, pilots are grounded permanently for taking off with one of those flapping.
"But Marge! Trying is the first step toward failure!"
So, if Robert was in charge in the 1960s, Earth would have likely not made it beyond LEO, if gotten that far. But, just think: We would have NEVER failed!
One has to hope the Robert's wife was in charge of teaching his kids how to ride their bikes.
my entire point is that AMSAT ought to fly vehicles in concert with the limitations of the capabilities of the folks who are building them...not in concert with their imagination
Robert, if you are truly worried about something dooming AMSAT to failure, you can appreciate how this statement, if followed, would do it. AMSAT is one of the few bright spots in "pushing the envelope" of Amateur radio. By artificially boxing people with the vague statement of "Whoa there! We can't do that! We need to know our limits!" just marginalizes AMSAT.
anyway this thread is as I noted pretty well talked out. Hopefully the space shuttle can launch without the foam coming off and banging the vehicle.
And what the hell does this have to do with SuitlessSat at ALL?