On 06/08/2021 07:31, Charlie Sufana via AMSAT-BB wrote:
For Nova, you would go to Utilities and then Listing. Go to the Setup button to update the times of interest and satellite of interest and then click on whatever tab you want to use and click on ReCalc. You can then Send data to the printer or capture data to the clipboard using the buttons at the bottom of the window.
Back in the old days, that is what I would do with Nova. Then import that into an Excel Spreadsheet so I could sort and print it the way I wanted. I would generally do a week or two at a time. Personally I have little interest in trying to replicate that on my phone. I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but a phone is NOT a replacement for a PC. I use multiple smart phones every day, so it's not that I don't know how to use a smartphone.