That aligns with my experience -- in my case with a Royal Caribbean (Bahamian) ship, the cruise line was very reluctant -- but the Captain and Communications Officer were fine with it.
I carried extra printed copies of all such correspondence and other documentation with me in a binder -- and it came in quite handy when the cruise coordinator for our group panicked and demanded I justify myself before they would let me off the boat. All was well when I produced that copy of the approval e-mail from the Comms Officer.
-- bag
Bryan KL7CN/W6
On Jan 14, 2016, at 10:32, Lee Ernstrom wrote:
I wanted to operate the sats on the Norwegian Jewel, also of Bahama registry, so I called Norwegian and asked if it was okay to do so. I was told emphatically NO! So I left my radio gear home last September when we took our Alaskan cruise. However, while on board and talking to the first officer, I was told that since the cruise line abides by international law the captain would have no problem with allowing the use of my portable satellite station.
Therefore, I concluded that it is better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission. The worst thing that could have happened is that my radio equipment was confiscated which I could have recovered at the end of the cruise. I really wanted to be able to activate some of those rare CO grids!
Lee (Doc) Ernstrom, WA7HQD, C6AQD
Sent from my iPad
On Jan 14, 2016, at 9:45 AM, Jerry Buxton wrote:
It's not Bahamian registry guys, I would recommend that you let Clayton and the organizers get the specific information out before you jump. There are 10 months to the cruise, right now. Don't want to miss the opportunity to hear you on the Foxes! :-)
Jerry Buxton, NØJY
On 1/14/2016 10:11, John Toscano wrote: Plus a $10 application fee, and both fees cover only one year at a time (in case you plan to take more than one cruise over more than one year's time). You need a General Class license or better to apply. And you need to start making these arrangements a few months ahead of time, mot at the last minute. All very reasonable requirements, but just sayin' that this is not something you can decide to do o a whim without serious planning.Oh, and you are only covered while on board the ship in international waters or in the territorial waters of the Bahamas. Again, very reasonable but worthy of a little pre-planning.
Enjoy your cruise. I have enjouyed several (radioless, alas). 73 de W0JT/5
On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 9:09 AM, Glen Zook via AMSAT-BB wrote:
Except the fact that all the Carnival ships are of Bahamian registry and that, under international regulations, one must have a Bahamas reciprocal license to operate aboard the ship. Such a license is available but does cost $25.00.
Glen, K9STH AMSAT 239 / LM 463 Website:
From: Douglas Phelps <>
To: AMSAT BB Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 8:59 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Ham Radio are permitter on Carnival Cruises
I just read the complete list of prohibited and confiscated items. Under EXCEPTIONS I found the following:
- Ham Radios/Amateur Radio Equipment: Permitted to be used on board.
Looks like we do not even need to ask permission. Terrific!!!!!
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