Hi everyone,
As I spoke with some friends G0SFR, YO3GCF, I just checked today my TS-2000 for any "birds" on 70cm band. My transceiver it's brand new TS2000X, european version, fabricated in October 2006. Checked in USB mode ( make your corrections for FM ), finest step possible, 50 Ohm dummy load.
This are results on claimed frequencies and intensity if applicable :
435.862 - S0 - almost perceptible, but present 436.799 - S9 - very strong, I can't imagine how Kenwood sell this TVCR !
When the SUB receiver it's active, there are several S9+60 signals from each other MAIN-SUB. SUB receiver it's only for talking around, at least on 2m, has a lot of inter-modulations and cross-modulations. In fact, schematic performs quite well, just the design it's bad (watch the SUB FM demodulator and front-end, like an ordinarily PMR radio).
73 de Edi, YO3HCV
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