… 2. Is the seemingly never-ending squabbling and political posturing that preceded the recent BOD election finally (!!!)_ over?
Fir the most part. It seems there are a mere handful of malcontents who just aren’t pleased with anything in life. They are easily identified.
I am guilty of “reacting” too quickly to unfounded allegations when it comes to attacks on friends/organizations with whom I choose to associate. I have extremely excellent taste when it comes to whom I respect and support (g). And if you saw a dear friend being attacked publicly, too, too, would probably desire to react.
But it really is best - in many cases - to just ignore them. A couple are classic cases of OCD - a medical condition - so no matter what anyone does, they will continue their rampages.
AMSAT deserves out continuing support.
Clint Bradford K6LCS 909-999-SATS