On 07/22/2014 11:54 AM, Kevin M wrote:
I've heard comments that basically imply anyone who wants to go outside with an HT and wave a yagi around is stupid.
I will respond to this because of comments I've made in the past, which may have been misunderstood.
Standing outside with a yagi in hand and the monsoon trickling down my neck isn't for me. It is demonstrably a valid way to make contacts and an excellent way to demonstrate how satellite operation can occur with minimalist equipment. But as far as I'm concerned, it IS NOT the ultimate objective of a satellite operator. It is the BARE MINIMUM of satellite operation, and there is no way I'm going to be satisfied with that for more than one or two passes.
To imply to the uneducated observer and potential future satellite operator, that standing in the rain is the pinnacle of hamsat ground station technology is (in my opinion) counter productive and, yes, stupid. As would be implying that a single-band, rock-bound QRP CW rig is the ultimate in ham HF technology. There is nothing wrong with QRP or broomstick-waving, far from it. And to those who enjoy it, more power to you! But if broomstick-waving is all I can hope to achieve in satellite operation, then I'll be very disappointed.