------------------------------------------------------------ VUCC Satellite Award/Endorsement Change Summary for October 01, 2024 to November 01, 2024. ------------------------------------------------------------ DF2ET 1500 1602 KF7R 1154 1175 HB9AOF 743 907 W8LR 887 888 IK3ITB 604 800 N7ZO 650 669 N6UTC 600 651 F6GLJ 501 609 JA1GZK 500 575 HB9GWJ 514 553 DJ7NT 348 432 SP5ULN 156 404 JF3MKC 275 280 W6IA 246 278 WA3YDZ New 271 IC8TEM New 147 YB1RQX/P New 100 ------------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations to the new VUCC Satellite holders. YB1RQX is first VUCC Satellite holder from OJ21
73 Jon N7AZ
DXCC Satellite has still not been updated since May