w3vvp wrote:
What has happened to amateur radio? A week ago I put out a request for help for my 736R which I use for satellite work. As of this date I have received zilch,0,nothing in reply. Are there no more ham repair people out there or is everybody an appliance operator???? George W3VVP
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I don't think I saw your message. The only FT736R message I can remember was from Tony about his fading display.
I have an FT736R and repair it myself. The rig has been very relaible (I bought it second hand) and the only major failure was the complete loss of audio (open circuit resistor in the recoupling part of the supply to the audio output amp). Apart from that I have suffered blown lamps and dry joints on the key connector.
I have the technical manual.
I don't know of I can help, but if it's something I'm familiar with I'll do my best.