You want to mount the antenna on the elevation rotor horizontal so it can flip over on it's back and track through the AZ mechanical stop. For instance, if the bird is going though North/South, which ever you have for the mechanical stop, software can control it to flip on it's back and azimuth is 180 degrees off so you are able to track through the stop and keep on chasing the bird instead of going 360 in the wrong direction and wasting the minute it takes to go 360.
For example stop is at North. Point AZ at South and have EL at 180. Actually it is pointing North because the EL is making it look like it is North. As the bird comes past AOS the EL rotor backs down and the AZ rotor comes around, ending up on the stop at LOS in this example. Some software will let you enjoy the 450 degrees AZ and the 180 EL without so much fuss, but this works.
Good luck.
73, Jim
On 10/10/2010 1:07 PM, Dean Maluski wrote:
I am installing a G-5500 Elevation rotor and trying to determine orientation of elevation with reference to software specifically rtrcontrold for Linux but I'd suspect this would be typical to most PC applications. If a sat is 45 degrees above horizon should rotor control read 45 or 135 degrees on the hardware control dial? What I'm asking is when I want to mount antenna where 90 degrees is horizontal or vertical? It seems natural that midway point is horizontal but midway point is 90 degrees. I don't think I ever have a reason to point antenna into the mud so it makes most sense that midway 90 degrees is straight up??
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