Glad to report that the FO29 beacon and transponder were active on the 1036 pass over the UK this morning
Managed a QSO with PA1TNO at 1039 using low power (less than 5 w) both ways good news indead. Regards Robert G8ATE
Hi Robert,
thanks for great report, I am also very glad about that as the FO-29 was my favorite Satellite.
However, it's very interesting to notice that:
as I observed on my tracking software the FO-29 was in "eclipse" from 09:11 - 09:46 Z (eclipse duration 35 mins, over Pacific). Then, came on Sunlight over Antarctica and it was illuminated till your QSO @ 10:36Z.
That means probably the battery -somehow- it can maintain now the Satellite "ON" after long eclipse-periods
the Satellite was activated - when came on Sunlight , without JARL's ground station command !!! As I remember, the automatic turn-ON of Satellite it was NOT possible till now, for unknown reasons. It was necessary always a ground station command in order to activate the Satellite.
Something has changed into FO-29 ?
I hope ! I have my fingers crossed !
73, Mak SV1BSX