I will drive to eastern Arizona for the afternoon/early evening of Saturday, 8 August 2009, and plan to work FM satellite passes from the DM54/DM55 grid boundary in Apache County. I should be able to work AO-27 passes at 2046 and 2227 UTC, an AO-51 pass at 0041 UTC, and an SO-50 pass at 0134 UTC. Local surroundings will determine if I can work an earlier AO-51 pass at 2306 UTC. If I feel like staying out there into the evening, and if the western view from there is not obstructed with lots of hills and mountains, I *might* work the later AO-51 and SO-50 passes from there. No guarantees for those passes (AO-51 @ 0223 UTC, SO-50 @ 0315 UTC).
As with other recent road trips, there is no need to first send me a QSL card to get one for a DM54/DM55 QSO. Please e-mail me directly with QSO details, and - if you're in the log - I will send a card your way. For those who worked me last month on my 3-state 14-grid road trip, I will hold off mailing those cards out until next week. This will let me put a DM54/DM55 QSL card in the same envelope, if I work you out there on Saturday.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/