19 Jul
19 Jul
5:24 p.m.
Thanks to all that responded! Well, I did see the ISS (progress docked but you wint see that without great telescope), and 4 minutes later Dragon. Dragon was not as bright as ISS but well visible. Was at 03:25am local time (CET). Warm night, no cloud, clear sky. Will try again tomorrow morning (20th, 03:32am local time = CET). Dragon will and should be close to ISS. Anyone else in for fun? Henk maandag, 18 juli 2016, 07:36p.m. +02:00 van PA3GUO pa3guo@upcmail.nl :
Wednesday the new cargoship is expected to arrive at the ISS. I can see the ISS with the naked eye. What about the soyouz etc, prior to docking? Would love to see 2 moving stars, one following the other. Henk, PA3GUO