On 9/28/13, Raydel Abreu Espinet (CM2ESP) [email protected] wrote:
Regarding Canada's Space Program, did you know that Canada's oldie satellite
Allouette-2 is back to live???, or at least its transmitters.....
While I was monitoring the 136-138 satellite sub-band a couple of months ago
with a RTL2832U based cheap SDR dongle I founded weird doppler shifted signals not matching any known transmitting satellite. After reporting it on
the HearSat mailing list and posterior confirmation from Mike Kenny in Australia the best match was Canadian old satellite Allouete-2 launched in 1965.
I found a tracking URL for it:
Apparently it re-entered on 1999-12-15 and NASA has nothing on it:
Alouette-1, on the other hand, is still in orbit:
and here's what NASA has on it:
Now you've got me interested.....
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL