10 Sep
10 Sep
12:27 p.m.
I can decode packets from PCSAT and PCSAT2, but never get a packet through either system. Packet path is ARISS,APRSAT,SGATE,WIDE.
Yes, but that is way overkill and reduces the probability of success. PC2 and ISS only require the path VIA ARISS. Using a D7 or D700 With it's short packets, makes for a packet only 25 or so bytes long.
Adding all those other hops fully DOUBLES your packet length and halves your probbliity of success. PCSAT itself requires the path of VIA W3ADO-1 all the time when it is simi-operational. We do reload it for VIA ARISS when we can command it, but that is only during special winter-full-sun periods that last only a few weeks.
Hope that helps De WB4APR, Bob