Thanks to KB1PVH for my first QSO on LilacSat-1. It's really not that tough if you follow the steps to get the Linux live CD image up and running.
My own audio quality was poor, either due to signal strength or lack of Doppler compensation on the uplink. I'll have to try tweaking that, but it was fun. KB1PVH's signal was easily readable on the 15 degree maximum elevation pass.
My setup for receiving the downlink was an Arrow antenna, preamp, FUNcube Dongle Pro+, and a 4 year old Dell laptop running the Linux Live CD. I used my FT-817 on the uplink so I could make fine adjustments on the uplink frequency.
I have read lots of comments from individuals wanting to try something new. This certainly qualifies! LilacSat-1 was deployed from the ISS, so it will have a limited orbital lifetime. Work it while it's up there.
For more information on how to set it all up, K0FFY has prepared a nice guide.
Paul, N8HM