Hi Everyone, I will be activating grid CM93 Santa Rosa Island Aug 12 to 14 as W6R. I will be active on both FM and Linear satellites. I expect I will be able to tweet passes as I did last year. I should be able to start around 2200z on Mon Aug 12th and will finish up around 1900z on Wed Aug 14th. Last year I worked 45 grid squares from Santa Rosa Island, and would really like to get VUCC from Santa Rosa Island this year if possible. I will upload to LOTW within one week of returning home. After Santa Rosa Island I'll be doing some bird watching / camping with my wife and I'm not sure about internet access while camping. If you are new to satellites and are interested in the GridMaster award (work all 488 grids in the continental USA), this grid can be a little challenging because Santa Rosa Island is the only land mass in the grid. It's not as rare as DM02, but I believe the last activation was Aug 2018 for 48 hours.
Cheers, Ron, ad0dx