We were forwarded, via the AMSAT-BB, from Mineo the FO-29 telemetry that you captured and anylyzed. As an observer and avid user of FO-29 I found it very informative. If the solar array output continues to deteriorate perhaps the control operators might consider a PL tone to open the transmitter to conserve the battery when not in use, which is what they are doing with AO-51. I agree with you Frank that FO-29 is a wonderful high orbit LEO however I must disagree with your statement "AMSAT seems only interested in FM single channel repeater type satellites which are very boring to me."Amsat is just as interested as we are in launching a HEO Satellite, it is the financing of such a project in this new global economy that is holding the launch back, thank you.73's PeteWB2OQQwww.massapequanyweather.com